
  • Age: 24

  • Sin: Lust

  • Film: Anastasia

  • Lost Item: Wrist Watch

  • Face Claim: David Elsendoom

"I'm probably about as stubborn as you are."


As a young boy, Dimitri was employed at the Catherine Palace as a kitchen boy. Curious and ambitious, he is unafraid to sneak into the grand balls held by the Russian royalty and briefly witnesses the Dowager Empress Marie presenting her youngest granddaughter Anastasia with a special gift before being dragged back to the kitchens. Dimitri manages to return in time to see Rasputin curse the imperial family. When the palace falls under siege during the revolution, Dimitri opens a hidden passage to Anastasia's room when the grand duchess returns to retrieve her music box, which allows Anastasia and her grandmother to escape the palace through the servants quarters. When revolutionary soldiers burst into the room, he refuses to reveal where the royals have gone and is knocked unconscious. When he regains consciousness, he takes Anastasia's music box, mistaking it to be jewellery box, as a memento.Ten years later, Dimitri is a twenty-years-old and notorious as a con artist in St. Petersburg. With Vladimir, a former courtier, he intends to find a convincing Anastasia imposter to fool the Dowager Empress into giving them a 10 million ruble reward for restoring her lost granddaughter and intends to use the music box as a prop to persuade the Empress. After several successful auditions and left penniless, the duo retreat to the Catherine Palace, where an orphan named Anya has broken in so she can find Dimitri and obtain passage to Paris, where she believes she can find her lost family. Struck by her uncanny resemblance to the missing Grand Duchess, Dimitri and Vladimir trick Anya into believing that she may be Anastasia, adding that she will still be able to go to Paris even if it turns out they were mistaken, but do not reveal that she is meant to be part of a con to avoid giving her a share of the 10 million ruble reward.Beginning their journey by train, Dimitri and Anya soon develop a contentious relationship. The undead monk Rasputin, realizing that Anastasia is still alive and his curse was unfulfilled, sends his minions to derail the train. Dimitri and Vladimir, horrified to realize that their forged passports will not be able to fool the Communist officials, discreetly relocate their party to the baggage car. Dimitri, thanks to Anya employing dynamite, manages to uncouple the baggage car from the rest of the train when the minions destroy the bridge and the group leaps from the train. Forced to continue on foot to Germany, Anya is soon outraged to learn that she must lie in order to convince the Dowager Empress that she is Anastasia, though Dimitri and Vladimir persuade her that it would not be a lie if it turns out that she is truly Anastasia. Mollified, she agrees for them to teach her everything about her supposed past as they travel through Germany to reach a port where they will take a boat to France.After they board the ship to France, Dimitri's growing romantic feelings for Anya begin to surface as they dance together, though he quickly suppresses them. In the evening, Anya finds the music box in Dimitri's belongings, but does not recognize what it is yet. After she falls asleep, Rasputin invades her dreams and causes her to sleepwalk onto the ship's deck during a storm. Woken by Anya's dog Pooka, Dimitri scrambles to the deck and saves Anya from leaping to her death and comforts her from the nightmares induced by Rasputin.Arriving in Paris, Anya is interrogated by Sophie, the Dowager Empress's first cousin, to confirm if she is actually Anastasia. When Sophie asks the unexpected question as to how Anya escaped the palace during the siege, Dimitri believes their con has been exposed. However Anya is able to answer the question - she dimly recalls that she escaped when a boy opened a door in the wall - which reveals to Dimitri that Anya actually is Anastasia. Having fallen in love with Anastasia, Dimitri feels conflicted and heartbroken at the thought that she will soon enter a life where he will have no place by her side. However for the sake of her happiness, he becomes determined to reunite Anya with her only family.With Sophie engineering a meeting with the Dowager Empress at the Paris Opera, Dimitri insists to Vladimir that they will not reveal to Anya that she is actually Anastasia. The meeting with the Dowager Empress ends poorly and Dimitri is thrown out of the Empress's private box after she reveals that she had heard about Dimitri's scheme to bring a false Anastasia to see her. Anya, having overheard the entire conversation, is horrified and leaves Dimitri and returns to Sophie's townhouse. Left alone at the opera house, Dimitri hijacks the Dowager Empress's car and brings her to Sophie's townhouse, where he manages to convince Marie to at least meet with Anya by returning Anastasia's music box to Marie. Anya's memory returns after meeting Marie, reuniting the two women at last.The next day, Marie offers Dimitri the reward money, but to her surprise he refuses it and leaves for Russia, convinced that he cannot be with Anya, who has been recognized as the Grand Duchess Anastasia. That night, at Anastasia's return celebration, Marie informs Anya of Dimitri's gesture and advises her to decide between her future with her grandmother in the High Society, a life full of obligations and etiquette or Dimitri. Dimitri, on his way back to Russia, changes his mind and decides to stay in Paris to tell Anya his feelings for her. He winds out finding her on the Pon Alexandre III, where she is struggling against Rasputin. Despite Dimitri's attempts to save her, he is soon injured and knocked unconscious. Anastasia manages to save herself and she and Dimitri reconcile. Though he reminds her of her obligation to high society, she chooses to elope with him instead, leaving a farewell letter to Marie and Sophie to return one day. She and Dimitri share a kiss as they sail out of Paris.

Fatal Flaw

Egotistical and Fickle

After growing up, Dimitri was able to get a lot what he wanted through his father. He tends to act like he's one of the most important people in the city, that Starfall couldn't survive without him, but he's not one to stay to one plan or one place for too long. He has seen first hand what his father could actually do and he doesn't want to stick around to be one of his victims...again.


Con man and bouncer

Dimitri works with his friend Freyr, who is his boss. He ejects people who aren't following the clubs rules. He is loyal to Freyr and will do anything for him even if it means defying his father. Yet, he wants money for himself and the gang so he works as a con man, swindling money from the rich to supply some of the underground transactions.


  • Raspuntin - Father

  • Anya - Childhood Friend

  • Freyr - Boss/Friend


Dimitri is the son of one of the most powerful men in Starfall, Rasputin. When Dimitri was a boy, he convince him to get close to the Romanov family to gather dirt on them. Anything that could help him take them down and out of power. For a while, that's exactly what Dimitri did. Followed his father's every word. That was up until he became friends with the youngest daughter, Anastasia. Their friendship was what caused him to see the reality of what his father was planning. It was then he vowed he would always protect Anastasia and make sure nothing bad would befall her.In the middle of the night, the invasion had begun and Dimitri was woken up to the sound of guns shooting. He knew exactly what was happening and paled before rushing out of his room and towards Anastasia's. He thought he had more time before the attack to warn the whole family, but it turned out his father decided to strike earlier than planned. That caused him to only focus on his one plan, saving his friend. He took her hand after helping her get her jacket and shoes on and lead her down the corridor towards her father's office.Rasputin was waiting for them, and Dimitri was able to shield her with his body. Rasputin couldn't shoot his son, even though he threatened him. It sparked a fight and gave enough of a distraction for Anastasia to find her father's hidden gun and shoot Rasputin. Dimitri didn't have long to mourn the death of his father as the sound of his men were coming down the hall. Throwing open the window, he helped her out and they ran towards the city which was lively with people.In their haste to push past people, their hand slipped and Dimitri was swept away by the crowd. He cried out for her but heard no response. For the rest of the night, he searched the city until he eventually passed out in an alleyway overcome with exhaustion.With his father gone, Dimitri started conning people out of money and food, which came easily for him. It was a skill he must have picked up from his father since he was able to deceive the royal family and sneak important documents without detection. His conning had caught the attention of Freyr, a local gang leader. He offered him protection if he joined and brought him some of the profits of the con money. Dimitri agreed and even though he has a place to stay, he tends to stay on the street to keep the sad homeless look as well as punish himself for losing and not protecting Anastasia, the girl he was sure got captured and killed after he couldn't find her in over a year.